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A Quick Guide to Getting More Matches, or: Why Your Feedback is Everything
A Quick Guide to Getting More Matches, or: Why Your Feedback is Everything

Adjusting parameters is sooo old fashioned. Learn how Perfect improves based on your feedback.

Yael Crystal avatar
Written by Yael Crystal
Updated over a week ago

Now that you know everything about how Perfect finds your matches, it's time to talk about the most important part of working on the platform: your feedback.

Yes, yes, these cute Engage / Decline buttons are not there just for the look of it (although they really are very pretty) - they play an important role in the matchmaking engine that's bringing your next round of matches.

Let's give them each the respect they deserve, shall we?

The Engage Button

Every single one of your matches is being analyzed - yes, even the ones you liked! Not only do you get some really exciting stuff to empower your outreach and help you stand above the noise, but your feedback really helps shape the profile of the ideal candidate.

The Decline Button

Well, no one can be 100% all the time - we gotta leave some room for progress and learning. And if we don't experiment, how can we find new, exciting things?

This is why sometimes Perfect will need your specific feedback on why a talent isn't the greatest fit.

Your feedback matters. It impacts the results directly and helps Perfect learn and cultivate the best ideal candidate profile for your role.

And of course, only by providing feedback... you will see more matches.

Win-win, right?

So don't let them wait.

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