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It's All About Moving Up! Analyzing the Likelihood to Join
It's All About Moving Up! Analyzing the Likelihood to Join

Did you ever think what makes a talent more or less likely to want to join your company? Learn what goes into Perfect's analysis.

Yael Crystal avatar
Written by Yael Crystal
Updated over a week ago

With the likelihood to leave relying almost solely on the talent behavior and past data, the likelihood to join is looking at the talent data - along with a prediction that's based on your company data.

Just like Perfect is looking for talents who will be a great match to the specific role you're hiring for at your company, it's attempting to predict if moving to your company in this role will be the right next step for this specific talent.

Here are some questions this endpoint is trying to answer, to calculate the talent's likelihood of wanting to join your company:

  • Is moving from their current company to yours a step up?

    If someone were to work at a public company whose stock is trading high, would they be more or less likely to join a startup that just recently raised its Series A? As companies evolve, so does their stature and 'rating' - and of course talents aspire to advance in their careers, move up and ahead, and stepping from one company to another has a big effect.

  • Is the role you're hiring for, advancing this talent's career somehow?

    Perfect's models analyze data points such as titles, seniority, and management opportunities as a step up / down (or at the same level) for talents. This will always relate to your input, as well as the talent's data and career trajectory.

Our predictions are data-based, and there's always something we can't calculate: how good are you at convincing talents to come and hear about the opportunity? 😎

You can always rely on the indications for their Likelihood to Leave - but make sure to add some of the magic that is... You.

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